By Meredith - July 1, 2018

Take care of yourself every day

Self-care is more than meditation and massages.

Self-care is the day-to-day stuff you do to make sure you are healthy, both mentally and physically. This includes

  • being physically active
  • eating a balanced diet
  • managing your stress
  • getting enough sleep
  • following your doctor’s orders and
  • taking medications as prescribed.

But why is this important?

When you practice self-care, it can help you manage any conditions you may already have. It also can help reduce your risk of developing some you may not have like diabetes or heart disease.

Taking care of yourself might seem selfish, but if you aren’t healthy, how can you take care of the people around you? Make self-care part of your everyday routine, and it will become a good habit you’ll be happy to have.


Life. Inspired. content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for the professional opinion of a doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional involved in your treatment. We encourage you to consult with your doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional before volunteering to participate in a wellness activity and for diagnosis and treatment decisions. Restrictions may apply to the benefits offered under the Life. Inspired. program.