By Meredith - October 1, 2019

Unmask your insurance options during open enrollment

Illustration of masks, bows and hats in orange and brown hues, with the words Be healthy top left.

Missing open enrollment can be scarier than Halloween.

Why, you ask? Because unless you have a big life change like getting married or having a baby, open enrollment is the only time each year when you can

  • enroll in benefits or
  • change your insurance coverage.

And be sure to confirm your tobacco use status during open enrollment (no confirmation = a higher payroll deduction for 2020).

But first …

Log in to PASSport to

  • complete the open enrollment process and learn about what’s changing
  • follow the prompts to select your coverage and any dependents and
  • check the provider lists to make sure your health, dental and vision doctors are in our networks.

And …

If you and your spouse or your child work for Publix, talk with them about enrollment options and decide who will carry coverage for 2020. No one wants to pay twice!

Finally …

Get into a green routine with your benefits too! Choose to go paperless when you complete the PASSport enrollment process.

Open enrollment may not be as exciting as Halloween, but other than that costume disaster a few years ago (we promise we’ll never mention it again), it has a bigger impact on your life. So, take a little time to make sure you sign up for the coverage you need.

Your benefits. Your choice.

Required Action: You MUST complete the open enrollment process for 2020.
How: Go to and log in to PASSport
Deadline: Oct. 31, 11:59 p.m. Eastern time

Be. healthy