By - October 1, 2018

December: Reduce stress and increase exercise during holiday season

Graphic of a lady gift wrapping and puts bow on a cat

Manage your holiday headspace

The holiday season can seem like a mad dash from one event to another. But it’s possible to get through it all without feeling like you’re going crazy.

Make time for fitness
Don’t let the busyness of the season sidetrack your well-being. Taking care of yourself can help you maintain your energy and cope with the additional holiday stress.

Schedule your workouts
If you have a fitness routine, continue to make your workouts a priority even during the holiday season! If you don’t have an established schedule, add workouts to your calendar and avoid commitments that would interfere.

Involve family in the fun
Since spending time with family and friends is a large part of the season, find ways to be active together — whether it’s taking a walk or going ice-skating. If you have enough people, play a game of kickball or soccer.

Use chores to your advantage
If pre-party house cleaning is a must, do it at a fast pace to elevate your heart rate. Plus, you’ll be done faster!

Make shopping count
Park farther away from the store to add steps to your day. If you’re heading for the mall or your Publix, try doing a lap or two inside the building before you start shopping.

Minimize stress
One of the best ways you can manage holiday stress is by starting or maintaining a more healthful lifestyle. Many of the tips we’ve mentioned in this issue play a role in stress reduction, including physical activity, a balanced eating pattern and getting enough sleep. Here are a few more ways to help keep stress at bay.

Don’t try to do everything
There are only so many hours in a day, so prioritize the events and activities you really need and want to do. Don’t be afraid to say no to an invitation. And like we said before, make sure your physical activity is one of those priorities.

Take time to relax
Even if it’s just 15 minutes, a little peaceful   me-time can help you clear your mind. Try breathing techniques, yoga or a quiet walk.

Let go of perfection
You don’t have to blow everyone away with your amazing decorations or search endlessly for the perfect gift. Let go of perfection in the kitchen, too. Not everything has to be made from scratch. Visit the Publix Deli, and buy prepared foods instead.

Stick to your budget
If there’s one thing that causes almost everyone stress, it’s money — especially when it’s time to buy presents. Keep your spending under control by setting a budget and sticking to it. Your loved ones probably appreciate spending time with you more than an expensive present anyway.

Don’t try to spend time with everyone
Sure, more people are in town over the holidays, but that doesn’t mean you should overschedule yourself. It’s okay to say no if a visit will add to your stress.

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and gratitude. Keep your headspace calm and under control, so you get through the season with holiday cheer and good memories.
