By - February 1, 2024

Charles Gainer, Business Development Director of HBC and General Merchandise

Charles began his Publix career in 2000 as a front service clerk at #692, Orlando, Florida. He worked his way up to store manager in 2012, district manager in 2015 and regional director in 2021. Charles moved to his current role earlier this year. In this role, he oversees the health/nutrition, beauty/personal care, over-the-counter medicine and housewares purchasing categories.

What’s your proudest moment?
Personally, it would be marrying my wife and the birth of our children, Charlotte and Reagan. Professionally, it’s my promotion to store manager.

What’s your personal or professional motto?
Pressure is a privilege. Publix has such a strong reputation, and with that comes pressure to continue performing at our highest level. But that’s a pressure our competition dreams about, so it truly is a privilege.

What do you want to learn next?
Spanish. My 5-year-old daughter is learning and speaking Spanish, so I’ve got to keep up with her!

What do you think makes Publix a great place to work?
That’s easy — our company ownership and promote-from-within culture! It provides hope for associates. They know they have the opportunity to be their best selves and get rewarded for it.

Where were you born?
Orlando, Florida

What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a police officer.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Publix Deli Buffalo Style Chicken Breast Dip

What toppings do you like on your pizza?
Cheese — nothing beats a coal-fired, thin-crust, slightly well-done cheese pizza!

What’s your favorite sports team?
Tampa Bay Rays

What’s your advice to someone just starting their Publix career?
To be adaptable, work hard and listen to feedback. We’ve been where you are and know the opportunities available if you’re willing to work hard and stay focused on your goals.

Favorite place to vacation?
Fishing is my thing, so I enjoy going to Mosquito Lagoon on Florida’s east coast and Charleston, South Carolina.

Farthest you’ve traveled?
San Francisco

What skills do you think have advanced your Publix career the most?
Patience — I had to work on gaining it, but it paid off.

If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, whose would they be? Why?
Elon Musk. I admire his drive, ambition, work ethic and obsession to want to make a difference.

What is the best career advice you received?
Every single action has a reaction, and it is in our best interest to consider both. Be excited and positive about challenges because they give you the opportunity to make a difference.

What is your favorite Publix project/experience/memory?
Opening store #1439 in Orlando, as the store manager. It was a great learning experience, and we proved we could win on a corner where a competitor once operated.