By Vivian - January 3, 2022

Congratulations to our 2020 and 2021 President’s Award recipients

The President’s Award honors a district manager from each division and a support manager who embody Publix’s founding philosophies. Recipients have proven their dedication to fairness, mentoring future leaders and maintaining the dignity, value and employment security of their associates.

Let’s meet our 2020 President’s Award recipients:

Atlanta Division

District Manager Tony Minor

Tony has one of the most extensive and comprehensive training plans for leadership development within his district. He sets a great example of servant leadership for how his management team should treat their fellow associates. Tony works consistently to build a diverse team.

Charlotte Division

District Manager Luis Gonzalez

Luis is committed to ensuring his district is well represented by a diverse group of managers and associates. He strives to promote an environment of success and takes an active role in preparing his teams for future leadership positions. Luis is laser-focused on training and developing the best candidates who will have a lasting impact on our company.

Jacksonville Division

District Manager Keith Williams

Keith communicates clear expectations and encourages his team to do their very best every day. He understands the importance of advancement through building a diverse team. Keith is passionate about fostering an inclusive environment for our upcoming leaders.

Lakeland Division

District Manager John Kisgen

John is known for his engaging and inspiring management style. He approaches conflict situations as training opportunities to teach managers how to effectively coach associates. He has taken a personal interest in ensuring his district is represented by a diverse group of associates prepared for the next steps in their Publix careers.

Miami Division

District Manager Trae O’Steen (promoted to Jacksonville Division Regional Director July 1, 2021)

Trae is committed and supportive of developing a diverse workforce. His team understands the importance of diversity, and they embrace both his commitment and the example he sets. He is very passionate and supports our strategy, understanding that it is his responsibility to set the tone and be a positive influence on those he mentors and trains.


Manager of Ethnic Business Development Mike Sibila

Mike embraces all cultures and celebrates their differences. He operates with high integrity, treats each associate with dignity and respect, leads by example and gives freely of his time to mentor others. He empowers associates by fostering an environment of trust and open communication.

Let’s meet our 2021 President’s Award recipients:

Atlanta Division

District Manager LaShawndra Johnson

LaShawndra is focused on developing our future leaders through the contender program. She is committed to building and fostering relationships with her team and peers. She also works diligently to improve diversity in her district.

Charlotte Division

District Manager Theresa Chambless

Theresa has a collaborative leadership style that reinforces accountability, sound decision-making and management empowerment. She leverages the perspectives and skill sets of a diverse workforce to further develop her talent pool. Theresa is heavily invested in preparing her managers to take on additional responsibilities within her district and beyond.

Jacksonville Division

District Manager Lisa Patton

Lisa fosters an environment where associates feel empowered, valued, and excited about Publix and their career. She identifies the developmental needs of individuals and helps them reach their maximum potential. Lisa communicates with associates clearly to help them succeed and understand opportunities.

Lakeland Division

District Manager Chris McGough

Chris challenges his managers to engage with their associates, clearly communicate their expectations, and provide them with the tools and support they need to succeed while giving them the room and freedom to grow. He is always calm, cool, and collected — and expects the best from everyone.

Miami Division

District Manager Brett Tessier

Brett leads in a calm professional manner, teaching and empowering others to own their part in Publix’s success as well as their own. His strength in planning, communicating and aligning his team is an example of how he represents One Publix, One Purpose. Brett promotes diversity by identifying and developing candidates to support their future growth with Publix.


Manager of Return Center Operations Mark Jordan

Mark exemplifies leadership characteristics of being a trainer and mentor to his associates and managers. He challenges and encourages his associates to make the best of themselves by continuously improving their skills and enhancing their ability to advance within the company. Mark understands the importance of diversity and success. He mentors a diverse group of managers to help them excel under his leadership.