By Amy - June 1, 2024

Linda Hall, Vice President of Internal Audit

Linda began her Publix career in 1985 as a data processing auditor. She was promoted to internal audit manager in 1990 and then to director of internal audit in 1992. Linda has been in her current role since 2002. She evaluates and recommends improvements to operational and financial reporting activities.

What is your advice to someone just starting their Publix career?
Be a sponge. Think like an owner — because you are! Learn as much as you can from everyone around you. Then, no matter what your role is, use your knowledge to help make Publix better.

What is your proudest moment?
Personally, watching my kids grow into compassionate, caring and responsible adults. Professionally, helping my team in internal audit grow and be successful in their careers.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Travel and spend time with my family

What makes Publix a great place to work?
Our culture and our ownership. We are still living Mr. George’s philosophies today. Our leadership continues to make sure that those philosophies drive our company.

What is your work philosophy?
Accountability. Take responsibility for your actions, and do not be afraid to admit when you make a mistake. If you make a mistake, own it, learn from it, fix it if you can and then move on.

What’s on your bucket list?
An Alaska land and sea cruise

What is your personal or professional motto?
Seek 1st to understand. When I started at Publix, I was the data processing auditor (now known as the information technology auditor). Other than a few classes in college, I really didn’t know anything about data processing or developing systems. Danny Risener, our VP of data processing at the time, told me I couldn’t audit what I didn’t understand, so he assigned me to a development team for 6 months. It was the best thing anyone could have done for me. I’ve applied that philosophy throughout my career. It’s the foundation of what we do in internal auditing.

Dogs or cats?
Both! I love them equally.

What’s the best present you’ve ever received?
I love it when my kids give me pictures from our vacations together. Experiences make the best gifts.

What’s your favorite sports team?
Tampa Bay Lightning and USF Bulls

What show are you binge-watching right now?
I just finished “Blue Bloods” for the 3rd time.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Our bakery carrot cake or Key lime pie