By - April 1, 2024

​​This associate found the right environment at Publix

Manager of Sustainability Programs Kassi McPhee has always been a champion for Publix, the environment and sustainability. Through collaboration and communication with outside organizations, Kassi and her team have been able to foster relationships to help Publix support sustainability programs in the communities we serve.

Even before beginning her role on the environmental and sustainability team, Kassi took an interest in sustainability and became an ambassador for recycling and resource conservation at Publix.

“I was always making sure our team was recycling what they could in the break room,” said Kassi. “I also kept up with what Publix was doing for the environment in our communities and enjoyed sharing those updates with others.”

Kassi’s team works with organizations focused on doing good for the environment, and they find ways for Publix to support the projects these organizations are working on. These sustainability projects range from planting trees and removing non-native, invasive species to improving fisheries and funding coral reef projects and marine debris removal.

One of her favorite new projects is the collaboration with FORCE BLUE, an organization that unites special operations military veterans with marine conservation efforts for the benefit of both. Publix is funding key projects in Florida with FORCE BLUE that positively affect the ocean and provide veterans with a new mission and purpose.

In addition to Kassi’s team, which manages sustainability programs like Green Routine and company-wide recycling, the department has a project management team that works to advance sustainability efforts and an environmental compliance team that focuses on complying with various environmental regulations.

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