By Karyn - January 1, 2015

Look for these trends when you shop at Publix


Eight grocery store trends are expected to gain momentum in 2015, and you may see some of them at Publix.

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1. Snacking baby-boomers. Although people from this generation were raised on three meals a day, they’ve succumbed to the snacking trend. However, they tend to go for snacks with protein, fiber and omega-3s. 2. Online grocery shopping. Publix is embracing this trend by adding more categories to Online Easy Ordering. Look for more items to be added later this year. 3. Smoked foods. Food smokers are gaining popularity, and meats aren’t the only item on the menu. Backyard chefs should pick up a package of our pre-sliced vegetables to place in the smoker for added flavor.
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4. Fermented foods. Fermenting — a process that converts sugar to acids, gases or alcohol — can make foods more tasty, healthful and digestible. Publix is already seeing increased sales of fermented foods like yogurt, tempeh, kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut. 5. New chefs. Generation Z — those who were born after 1995 — is using the stove more often than the microwave. This signals more young people are cooking at home because they can add their own flair to recipes. Aprons Simple Meals recipes are perfect for these— and all — shoppers looking for something new to try at home. 6. Craft trends. Craft foods are made in small batches with local ingredients, and these are popular because they often have unique tastes and authentic origins. No longer limited to beer, Publix is testing customized local products in parts of the Charlotte Division and Alabama.
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7. Nutrition labels. More apps and programs will be available to help customers make the best choices when shopping at the grocery store. Publix is doing its part with our Better Choice shelf tags. 8. Social hubs. Move over groceries; the supermarket is becoming a gathering place. Publix is addressing this trend by adding more Aprons Cooking Schools and dine-in cafes in which to enjoy restaurant-quality products.  