By Meredith - April 1, 2021

Keeping the green (and blue) clean

Meet 3 associates who share their passion for protecting the planet.

Customer Service Staff
Ashley Molina, #237, Miami

(Pictured above left)

“I tend to think about the future a lot.”

Ashley wants to have kids one day, and she wants them to enjoy a green, healthy planet when they get here.

“I do [my part] for my future children and everyone’s future,” she said. “I feel we were placed on the Earth to make things better and take care of this planet.”

Taking care of the environment is something she’s always been passionate about, and she’s grateful to have a group of friends who are equally as engaged. They follow organizations and groups on social media to find and participate in cleanup events, and if they can’t join an event, they spread the word so others can take part.

“It’s always a breath of fresh air to see what happens when we take ownership in doing things we need to do,” Ashley said.

Recently, she and her mom got into composting. Her mom loves to garden, so now they recycle kitchen scraps and anything else suitable for composting.

“It’s a good way to improve the soil and have nice plants at the end.”

Assistant Customer Service Manager
Pia Correa, #237, Miami

(Pictured above center)

“I might be 1 person, but I can try to make a difference.”

Pia loves to fish, but she definitely doesn’t love the other stuff she finds when she’s casting her line.

“I kept seeing trash at the beach, and I would be so disgusted by the cigarette butts, bottlecaps and garbage. So, I started cleaning up when I went on the water,” she said. “I bought a boat a few years ago and started seeing more trash was floating in the ocean. It made me wonder, ‘How much trash is out there?’”

About 2 years ago, Pia joined Captains for Clean Water, a nonprofit organization that works to protect the Everglades and find long-term solutions for Florida’s water issues. Prior to the pandemic, members would take their boats out almost every month to comb the beaches, mangrove stands and waters for garbage.

“It’s a good excuse to be on the water and do something good at the same time,” Pia said. “We all have to live on this planet. Everything that goes into the environment makes its way back into us, so I try to do my part to help keep the planet healthy.”

Meal Solutions Specialist
Jessica Bouwsma, #1423, Pinecrest, Florida

(Pictured above right)

“I strongly believe in environmental sustainability, and I love what Publix is doing.”

When Jessica isn’t preparing Aprons meal kits, she’s a junior at Florida International University where she majors in sustainability and the environment. As a child, she was always interested in engineering, but she also enjoyed gardening and being outdoors. She says her educational focus combines those 2 interests.

“There’s a lot of overlap between technological advances and the environment. I like the idea of helping create new ideas and would love to help more with Publix’s [sustainability] efforts.”

With all she’s learning, Jessica still wants to learn more. She’s particularly interested in sustainable agriculture, so she really appreciates Publix’s work with organizations like the Ocean Disclosure Project.

Prior to the pandemic, Jessica served as a representative at our Do-Good events, talking to customers about Publix’s environmental efforts. The events taught her a lot about what we do as a company and the many steps each department takes to recycle or reduce waste.

“It’s cool to be part of something that takes into consideration all those details,” Jessica said. “It’s important to take steps to protect and make the most of what we have so we don’t run out of it.”