By Taylor - January 3, 2022

Resolve to reduce, reuse and recycle

Going into the new year, here are some sustainable ideas to add to your goals for 2022.

Not only are these resolutions easy to achieve and measure success, but they are great for our planet!

Thrifting and thriving

Thrift stores really are full of goodies that are both sustainable and fashionable. With the way fashion changes, much is discarded after being worn only a few times. Make it a monthly outing and head to your local thrift stores to find some cool things to brag about to your friends.

Leftovers: It’s what’s for dinner

Leftovers don’t always have to be greeted with whines and complaints. Instead of throwing the food in the trash, make something new and fun. You can combine several dishes to make one fantastic meal or reheat what you already have. Just be sure to throw out any food that has been saved for a week or longer and has become a science project in the process.

Reusable bags

Who said reusable bags can’t be stylish? Publix offers a wide variety of bags for any occasion. Using a reusable bag is not only sturdier but can help save on single-use bags. Pro tip: Keeping your bags by your front door will help you remember them for each trip to the store!

Sipping in style

Surprisingly enough, plastic water bottles create so much waste and yet are the easiest to cut down on. If someone went a year just using their reusable water bottle, it could save over 150 bottles! Not only can reusable water bottles look super snazzy, but some can also keep your liquids hot or cold for a longer period of time. This one is a no-brainer, kids!

Making a list and checking it twice

No, no. Not THAT list. We’re talking about your grocery list. Making a list ahead of your trip to the store can save you from spending money on things you don’t necessarily need and will potentially be wasted.

Clean up, clean up! Everybody do your share!

If you are more about going out and being part of the action yourself, check out different cleanups around your area. Cleaning up your neighborhood can be so rewarding, and you get to see just how much of a change you are making. Plus, you can make it an event and invite friends to join you for the fun!

Bright lights, brighter future

Did you know LED lightbulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs? They can also be brighter and don’t put out as much heat. So, switching out your bulbs for LED can help lower your electric bill.
