By Karyn - April 1, 2015

Take advantage of these tasty tomatoes at their peak


Publix introduced Tasti-Lee tomatoes in August 2011, and when word got out about these great-tasting tomatoes, demand quickly exceeded our supply. But how did Publix receive the exclusive rights to sell Tasti-Lees?

Jay Scott, a scientist at the University of Florida, developed the bright red Tasti-Lee tomato after perfecting the seed for more than 10 years. Named after his mother-in-law, Lee, Jay sold the seeds to Bejo seed company, which partnered with Publix to find growers for these special tomatoes. They found Flavor 1st and Tomato Thyme — two family-owned farms that have grown top-quality tomatoes for multiple generations.

“My job at Publix is to give our customers the best-tasting fruits and vegetables we can offer,” said Category Manager Paul Keating. “Tasti-Lee tomatoes have a great taste — like they were picked fresh from the garden. And, buying locally-grown produce benefits our economy.”

From late fall to early spring, Tasti-Lee tomatoes are grown in central and South Florida. But, as temperatures start to rise in May, growing shifts to the mountains of North Carolina. That’s a distinct contrast from our competitors, many of whom buy tomatoes from Mexico because they are less expensive. However, Publix focuses on providing a quality tomato with a great taste, and that’s why you’ll see Tasti-Lee tomatoes promoted At Season’s Peak April 30 – May 21.

Take advantage of fresh-from-the-field taste

0415_Tasti-LeeTasti-Lee tomatoes should have shiny skin that is free of wrinkles. The tomato should be fragrant, firm and look like it was plucked fresh from the vine. Never refrigerate tomatoes unless they’ve been sliced to eat the next day — cold air affects the flavor.