By Karyn - November 1, 2014

Casey Suarez — Vice President of Distribution


Casey started his Publix career in 1978 as a part-time produce clerk. After holding several positions in the store, he was promoted to store manager in 1988 and Miami Division district manager in 1994. He relocated to Lakeland in 2010 to serve as director of warehousing and promoted to his current role in May.

Where were you born?
Staten Island, New York

What did you want to be when you were little?
An officer in the Coast Guard like my dad and older brother

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Visiting our stores and distribution centers and talking with and mentoring our associates. It’s exciting to see the impact distribution has on taking care of our customers.

What’s your favorite Publix memory?
Meeting Mr. George 30 years ago. My family and I were on vacation, and we took a day to tour Publix’s Lakeland facilities. We arrived completely unannounced, but Mr. George invited us into his office. We talked for 45 minutes — an example of the open door policy at its best!

What’s your proudest moment?
Serving in this job. It’s an honor to be an officer for Publix, and it’s a responsibility I take very seriously.

What are your hobbies?
Flats fishing and golfing

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Our bakery carrot cake

How has Publix influenced you?
Publix has taught me to be a better leader in each management position I’ve held.

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What brought you to Publix?
I was working for a competitor, but I wanted to work for Publix because I heard how well they treat associates.

What’s your favorite TV show?
Blue Bloods

What is your favorite movie?
The Deer Hunter

What has changed most about Publix since you started here?
Who our competitors have been throughout the years.

What are your favorite sports teams?
Miami Hurricanes, Florida State Seminoles, Mississippi Rebels, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Miami Dolphins. I also like NASCAR and Dale Earnhardt, Jr.

What’s playing in your iPod right now?
George Strait, Kenny Chesney and the Eagles