By - April 1, 2019

John Goff, Miami Division Vice President

John began his career in 1991 as a front service clerk in Jacksonville, Florida. He worked in various positions before being promoted to store manager in 2005 and Jacksonville Division district manager in 2010. In 2014, John was promoted to Miami Division regional director, and this past January, he was promoted to his current role, where he is responsible for all retail operations of the Miami Division.

Where were you born?
Jacksonville, Florida

What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a physical therapist.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Publix Chicken Tender Sub

What is your personal or professional motto?
There is no traffic jam on the extra mile.

What emoji best describes you?
Thumbs up

What skills do you think have advanced your Publix career the most?
I have tried to spend most of my career helping others believe they can be great and get where they want to be, either professionally or personally. In turn, they helped me get to this point in my career.

What’s something about you that people may be surprised to learn?
I was voted “most athletic” as a senior superlative. You would definitely be surprised by looking at me now.

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What’s your favorite sports team?
University of Florida Gators

What’s one thing on your bucket list?
Travel to Australia.

What’s your proudest moment?
When I married my beautiful wife, Kristy, and the births of our three kids.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Watch my kids perform the activities they love like baseball, basketball, football and competitive cheer.