By - December 1, 2016

Lindsey Napier — Director of Government Relations

Lindsey began her Publix career in 2012 as the manager of government relations. She was promoted in 2014 to her current role, where she leads the government relations team in advocacy on federal, state and local legislative and regulatory issues. 

Where were you born?

What did you want to be when you were little?
I watched Indiana Jones movies with my grandfather and wanted to be an archaeologist. That ended when I realized they spend a lot of time in the hot sun.

What brought you to Publix?
I was working in the Georgia State Capitol and heard about the opportunity to join the Publix government relations team. I was already a Publix shopper and a fan of the great service and reputation of the company. So I applied and was thrilled to be hired.

How has Publix influenced you?
Seeing how our associates treat each other has influenced me to be the best partner I can be to my co-workers. I truly feel we are in it together and work as a team.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Sweets — anyone who has been to dinner with me knows I can be counted on to order dessert … and usually more than one.

What do you enjoy most about working at Publix?
I like working for a company that is so loved and respected by customers and communities. It’s a pleasure to engage with elected officials and industry advocates who respect us so much already because they shop with us and see all we do to impact our communities in a positive way.

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What’s your work or life philosophy?
Work hard and take pride in that, but also spend a lot of time with family and friends. And always order dessert.

What’s your favorite Publix memory?
Finding out I was being promoted to my current position

What’s your proudest moment?
Professionally, it would be July 1, 2016 — we celebrated our stores in Tennessee selling wine for the first time ever. That was a long-term project for our team, and it was great to witness the first bottles being purchased. Personally, it would be marrying my husband this year!

What do you enjoy most about your job?
The wide range of issues in which the government relations team engages on behalf of Publix — there’s something new going on all the time, which allows us to continue learning about our company and industry, and that makes us better advocates.

What has changed most about Publix since you started here?
Our growth into North Carolina and Virginia has been the biggest change for our team. We are constantly working to build relationships in these new areas to ensure we can advocate effectively for Publix.

What’s your favorite book?
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt

How do you spend your spare time?
My husband and I love to travel. We try to take a few trips a year, whenever we can work it into our schedules. This year, we traveled to St. Lucia for our honeymoon in May and to Montana this fall.

What is your favorite Publix product?
Everything in the bakery but specifically the Chocolate Ganache Supreme Cake

What music are you listening to right now?
I love all types of music and can’t pick one. It depends on the occasion.

What is your favorite TV show?
The Office