By Karyn - April 1, 2015

Maria Brous — Director of Media and Community Relations


Maria began her Publix career in 1990 as a front service clerk in Plantation, Florida. She transferred to the Miami Division office in 1999 as a training specialist. In 2002, she was promoted to media and community relations manager for the Miami Division. She was promoted to her current position in 2004, where she speaks to the media on behalf of Publix’s corporate initiatives and supports the five division media and community relations managers.

Where were you born?
Bronx, New York

What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to be the next Barbara Walters — she always intrigued me.

What brought you to Publix?
I had just turned 14, and my dad had been diagnosed with throat and lung cancer. My mom worked for Publix, and I thought getting a job would alleviate some of my mom’s burdens.

What hasn’t changed about Publix since you started?
Publix has always been about helping people. I’m amazed by our associates’ generosity in emergencies and in times of need. We step up when it matters most.

What’s your favorite book?
To Kill a Mockingbird

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Our Publix Deli Turkey Cranberry Sub. I get so excited each year when I see the sign at the deli, announcing its return.

What’s your work or life philosophy?
People don’t care how much you know; they want to know how much you care.

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What do you enjoy most about your job?
Working with Publix people to make a difference and seeing our donations benefitting our communities

What do you enjoy most about working at Publix?
The family atmosphere. This is my second family.

What’s your favorite Publix memory?
When I was the media and community relations manager in Miami, I invited [then-president] Ed Crenshaw to come back and spend a day with me to see some of the organizations that have benefitted from Publix. Soon, Barbara Reynolds [his assistant] called to schedule his trip. It meant a lot to me that he initially took the time to talk, remembered our conversation and took me up on the invitation.

What’s your proudest moment?
Personally, having my son. Professionally, it’s when I was promoted to my current position — at the time, I was Publix’s youngest director.

What are your favorite movies?
The Notebook and Dirty Dancing

What is your favorite sports team?
The Miami Dolphins

What’s playing in your iPod right now?
Taylor Swift, Eminem, Lady Antebellum and Frank Sinatra