By Karyn - October 1, 2014

Matt Crawley — Atlanta Division Regional Director


Matt began his Publix career in 1985 as a front service clerk in Bradenton, Florida. He was promoted into management in 1990 and to store manager in 1995. In 2001, he was promoted to district manager and to his current role in February.

What did you want to be when you were little?
An air force pilot

What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love the interaction with all our great associates and the challenge of continuously finding ways to improve Publix.

What do you enjoy most about working at Publix?
I enjoy working around other company owners who show the same passion and commitment for our company and our customers. It doesn’t matter what area of Publix you work in; you can see the pride, work ethic and genuine care our associates have for our company.

What’s your favorite Publix product?
Publix Premium Moose Tracks Ice Cream

What are your hobbies?
Tennis, fishing, golf and recreational boating with my family

What are your favorite sports teams?
The Chicago Bears, Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Hawks

What’s playing in your iPod right now?
REM, Nirvana, Coldplay, Pearl Jam, Linkin Park, Staind and Johnny Cash

What’s your work or life philosophy?
It’s a combination of Mr. George and Nike. Begin; the rest is easy, and do what others are unwilling to do. Just do it!

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What brought you to Publix?
A friend in high school who worked for Publix encouraged me to apply.

How has Publix influenced you?
The many things Publix has taught me over the years helped make me who I am today. The overall high standards our company has influenced me to try to always do the right thing no matter what; morally, ethically or just a job well done.

What has changed most about Publix since you started here?
Definitely the technology side of our business. Associates laugh when we tell stories about all the manual processes we use to do back in the “old days.”

What’s your favorite Publix memory?
My favorite memories are those moments when our hard work to make Publix stand out from the competition paid off, like seeing customers react as they enter the store for the first time, or the feeling of pride when customers thanked us for being open during a snow storm.

What are your favorite movies?
I enjoy all action movies, but I grew up with Rocky, Star Wars and Top Gun. I could watch any of those 100 more times.

What’s your favorite book?
I tend to read magazines, but I’ve enjoyed reading books by John Green with my kids.

What are your favorite TV shows?
The Middle and Modern Family

How do you spend your spare time?
I enjoy spending the day out on the lake with my family and playing tennis whenever I get a chance.

What’s your proudest moment?
My proudest moment was being promoted to store manager. It’s difficult to describe the feeling I had knowing Publix trusted me to this degree. I spend my days always trying to exceed Publix’s expectations.