By Karyn - September 1, 2015

Michael Roberson — Director of Corporate Quality Assurance

Michael began his Publix career in 2005 in his current role as director of corporate quality assurance. He is responsible for leading the retail and support food safety teams, managing product labeling compliance and championing private label product quality.

Where were you born?
Memphis, Tennessee

What did you want to be when you were little?
An astronaut with NASA. My dad was an aerospace engineer with the Saturn V rocket Apollo program, and I have always been hooked on the space program.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Working with an amazing team of food safety and public health advocates who are passionate about driving continuous improvement throughout our company

What’s your proudest moment?
In 2009, I testified before Congress at a hearing in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. I spoke on the subject of keeping American families safe and reforming the food safety system. It was an honor to represent Publix and the entire food industry.

What are your hobbies?
My wife and I love to go camping with our children. Growing up as a boy scout, I was always exposed to the outdoors, and now I can share this experience with my family.

What’s your work or life philosophy?
Be persistent, be precise, be accurate, but most importantly, be safe.

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What brought you to Publix?
Even before I began working at Publix, I knew it was a company of high ethics and integrity. Over the years, I’ve seen just how important it is for Publix to maintain our ethics and integrity with inspections, competition and, more importantly, our customers.

What do you enjoy most about working at Publix?
Our associates are absolutely amazing. From the associates I work with every day in the CQA department, to manufacturing and distribution, and the thousands of retail associates, our diverse work force continues to amaze me.

What hasn’t changed about Publix since you started?
The hearts of our company’s executive leadership is firmly in the right place. There has never been a decision made that wasn’t in the best interest of our associates and customers.

What’s your favorite Publix memory?
On my first day with Publix, I was introduced to several company leaders. [Then-CEO] Charlie Jenkins Jr. joked with me when he said, “Michael, welcome to Publix. Don’t let anyone get sick!”

What’s your favorite book?
The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service by Lee Cockerell

What are your favorite movies?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and the original Star Wars trilogy

What is your favorite sports team?
Mississippi State University Bulldogs, especially football

What music are you listening to right now?
I have an eclectic range of music genres on my iPhone, including Bruno Mars, The Black Eyed Peas, Van Halen and a little bit of George Thorogood & the Destroyers

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Publix Premium Chocolate Trinity Ice Cream on a warm Publix Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookie