By Karyn - March 1, 2014

Service comes with more than a smile


The Customer Service Excellence Award is presented to one store in each division based on results from associate voice surveys, customer voice surveys, mystery shopping and financial indicators.

Winning stores receive an in-store banner, $500 for a store celebration and an advertisement recognizing the entire store team in their local daily newspaper. In addition, each associate receives a lapel pin to recognize the service contributions they’ve made.

Online Exclusive

Atlanta Division
#1360, Fairview, Tenn. – Store Manager Stacy Greathouse


What was your reaction when you heard your store won this award?
I was proud of my team for their accomplishment.

How do you and your associates provide premier customer service?
We strive to live up to the Publix standard of customer service during every encounter with customers.

What advice do you have for other stores to improve their customer service?
Hire “personalities” — you can’t teach someone how to be a people person. That is a characteristic they bring with them.

Charlotte Division
#874, Greenville, S.C. – Store Manager Matt Hellkamp


What was your reaction when you heard your store won this award?
I was absolutely filled with pride for my team. As a store manager, there is no better feeling than to be recognized for your team’s efforts in taking great care of our customers consistently in all departments across the store. This award shows we succeed together as one unit, instead of individual associates or departments. Our team “gets it,” to put it simply.

How do you and your associates provide premier customer service?
It starts with the atmosphere in the store. As managers, we’re challenged to create an atmosphere where associates feel good about coming to work every day. In turn, they spread that great vibe to everyone they meet.

What advice do you have for other stores to improve their customer service?
Find ways to recognize and celebrate successes in your store every day. Celebrate loud and proud with your team. Surround yourself with great people — invest in the hiring process — and great things will happen! If you can start every day on the right foot, your team will accomplish amazing things with every customer they face!

Jacksonville Division
#1289, Ocala, Fla. – Store Manager Donald Umpleby


What was your reaction when you heard your store won this award?
I couldn’t wait to share it with the team! As soon as I sat down, I took a picture of the award and sent it to all my managers in the store to show them what they earned!

How do you and your associates provide premier customer service?
Our entire team takes pride in engaging customers.

What advice do you have for other stores to improve their customer service?
It starts at the top — managers should set the example.

Lakeland Division
#1410, Lakeland, Fla. – Store Manager Kelvin Blasingame


What was your reaction when you heard your store won this award?
I just couldn’t stop smiling and feeling so overwhelmed with pride for my store. I’m not usually one to get nervous, but I immediately got butterflies when my store was called.

How do you and your associates provide premier customer service?
By passing the culture of Mr. George to each of our associates. Our customers are always treated like the queens and kings — the way they were meant to be.

What advice do you have for other stores to improve their customer service?
I encourage all my managers to be on the sales floor greeting and thanking our customers during peak hours of the day. If our associates see this happening and how important it is, they will follow suit.

Miami Division
#1393, Pompano Beach, Fla. – Store Manager Keith Critelli


What was your reaction when you heard your store won this award?
Excited and honored for my store and associates

How do you and your associates provide premier customer service?
We continue to perpetuate the Publix culture by always being available for our customers and associates. Our managers set the example by being present on the sales floor.

What advice do you have for other stores to improve their customer service?
Reward associates for providing premier customer service, and continue to share Mr. George’s philosophy on customer service — “Treat customers like queens and kings.”

Back to “Let’s give three cheers for these award-winning teams!”

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