By - April 1, 2024

​​Fishing for improvement​

The North Atlantic right whale is critically endangered, facing threats like vessel strikes and rope line entanglements stemming from traditional crab and lobster traps and pots in areas that overlap with their habitat. According to the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), 83% of North Atlantic right whales bear scars from entanglements with fishing gear.

We care about protecting ocean wildlife from unintended fishing impacts. Since 2011, we’ve donated more than $700,000 to SFP in support of various fishery improvement projects, including efforts to address whale entanglements over the last several years. The improvement projects also involve testing innovative, on-demand fishing gear technologies and purchasing gear to provide free access for harvesters.

Transitioning to on-demand, aka “ropeless,” gear can help support a sustainable future while protecting whales from entanglement. When Publix supplies donations of on-demand gear to harvesters, static lines are removed from the water, reducing risks to whales and other marine life.

Visit the Publix sustainability website to learn more about our sustainable seafood practices.

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