By Karyn - May 1, 2015

Award recognizes associates who give back and serve their communities

Mr. George Community Service Award

Mr. George strongly believed in serving others, and he set the example for being involved in the community by giving his time, talent and treasure. We continue to celebrate his legacy each year by presenting the Mr. George Community Service Award.

These six individuals learned Mr. George’s lesson of giving back many years ago, and we’re proud to recognize them for their community service. Regardless of why they serve, how they give back and where they volunteer, they’re all Publix people changing lives.

Each year, one associate from each division and one support associate are recognized with the Mr. George Community Service Award. Associates with one year of continuous employment are eligible, and each recipient receives

    • $5,000 donated to the charity or charities of their choice
    • three days off with pay
    • a personalized award
    • dinner with Publix executives and
    • a feature in Publix News

Atlanta Division 
Charlotte Division
Jacksonville Division
Lakeland Division
Miami Division

Online exclusive content

Atlanta Division

Store Manager Jim Evans | #1390, Columbus, Georgia


Once a week, Jim serves as a math tutor for inmates at the Muscogee County Jail to help them earn their GED diploma. He also volunteers at the Columbus Community Center, an after-school program that emphasizes education to at-risk youth.

“Seeing positive results in the community is enough recognition for me,” said Jim. “I believe Mr. George gave us a strong company, and it’s our responsibility as company owners to continue giving back and living his legacy.”

Jim’s donation will benefit the Muscogee County Jail Ministry and the Columbus Community Center.

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Charlotte Division

Store Manager Mark Brannock | #1095, Columbia, South Carolina

0515_Mark-Brannock_Chrlt2015CommAwdRecipMark is considered one of the strongest and most visible ambassadors for United Way of the Midlands. Through a partnership with their Midlands Reading Consortium, he tutors children in reading and helps make a difference in his community wherever he’s needed.

“We’re born with a servant’s heart, and the more we do to serve our communities, the better off we’ll all be,” said Mark. “Publix is more than a grocery store — we’re a partner in our communities.”

Mark’s donation will benefit Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital.

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Jacksonville Division

Store Manager Jeff Collins | #1377, Dothan, Alabama

0515Jeff-Collins_Jax2015CommAwdRecipAlthough Jeff has moved several times over his career, one thing has remained constant — his service to United Way. His leadership resulted in his store being recognized as the top store in the division in United Way pledges for three consecutive years.

“Serving our communities means helping those who can’t help themselves,” said Jeff. “I believe volunteering is a natural part of our culture. In our stores, we fulfill our customers’ needs, just like we’re there for our community’s needs.”

Jeff’s donation will benefit the Wiregrass Food Bank, American Red Cross and the Exchange Center for Child Abuse Prevention.

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Lakeland Division

Store Manager Don Lucas | #15, Clermont, Florida

0515Don-Lucas_Lakeland2015CommAwdRecipDon is passionate about helping the children in his community become good citizens. When he’s not coaching youth soccer, he’s supporting the Buses-N-Backpacks program, which gives at-risk children a backpack of food at the end of each school week so they have meals on weekends.

“I love to serve, and it’s my responsibility to show my associates the importance of living our mission and being part of the community,” said Don. “Publix has blessed us to be able to give back.”

Don’s donation will benefit Buses-N-Backpacks.

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Miami Division

Store Manager James Key | #1030, Port St. Lucie, Florida

0515James-Key_Miami2015CommAwdRecipJames serves as treasurer for his local Salvation Army and volunteers as a holiday bell ringer on his days off from Publix. He’s also on the board of directors for Sarah’s Kitchen, an organization that helps feed the homeless and hungry in his community.

“We serve our customers in the store and the community overall,” said James. “I believe in living Mr. George’s legacy, and receiving an award with his name on it is truly an honor.”

James’s donation will benefit the Salvation Army and Sarah’s Kitchen.

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Customer Service Retail Coordinator Danielle Fogel (announced promotion to Customer Service Technical Coordinator)

0515Danielle-Fogel_Support2015CommAwdRecipEach Christmas, Danielle and her sister partner with a local oncologist’s office to provide Christmas presents and meals to families of children fighting cancer. The Christmas Project, as they call it, takes a burden off the families and lets them focus on overcoming this disease.

“I’m a third-generation Publix associate, so volunteering is just part of who we are as a family,” said Danielle. “I’m so proud to work for a company that encourages associates to give back.”

Danielle’s donation will benefit BACK Fighting Cancer and her local American Youth Soccer Organization.

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Dinner with executives

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Online Exclusive

Acceptance speeches from stockholders’ meeting.

Atlanta Division
Charlotte Division
Jacksonville Division
Lakeland Division
Miami Division

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Atlanta Division

Store Manager Jim Evans, #1390, Columbus, Georgia

Tune into Jim Evans’ acceptance speech from the stockholders’ meeting.

When and why did you start volunteering?
Throughout my Publix career, I’ve had great role models and followed the lead of some tremendous leaders. I’ve served on the allocations committee for United Way and on the Easter Seals board, and volunteered with my partner schools and March of Dimes.

What does Publix Serves mean to you?
It’s an extension of Mr. George’s lesson to give back. So many of our associates didn’t meet Mr. George, so we have to be Mr. George for our associates so they know our founder.

Why is it important to volunteer?
Publix blesses us with so much — if you’re able to help, it’s important to give back in any way you can. We owe it to our communities and customers to give back and serve.

What advice do you have for associates who are interested in volunteering?
Just start! United Way is one of the best agencies because they do a lot for so many. They can always use the help if you’re willing to volunteer, and they’ll pair your interests with what’s needed in the community.

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Charlotte Division

Store Manager Mark Brannok, #1095, Columbia, South Carolina

Tune into Mark Brannock’s acceptance speech from the stockholders’ meeting.

When and why did you start volunteering?
I began volunteering when I was promoted to store manager in the late 1980s — it felt like the right thing to do to serve as a positive role model for my associates.

What does Publix Serves mean to you?
It means having a servant’s heart and helping people. When we open a store in a new market, nonprofit organizations are so excited because they know they’re getting a community partner in Publix. Service is ingrained in us, so the more we do, the better we’ll all be.

Why is it important to volunteer?
It’s part of our mission and our responsibility as company owners.

What advice do you have for associates who are interested in volunteering?
Get involved any way you can. Once you start, you’ll enjoy it and want to do more. United Way is a good start — they have lots of opportunities.

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Jacksonville Division

Store Manager Jeff Collins, #1377, Dothan, Alabama

Tune into Jeff Collins’ acceptance speech from the stockholders’ meeting.

When and why did you start volunteering?
I began volunteering with my local United Way after I was promoted to store manager in the early 1990s. Their office was in the same plaza as my store, so it seemed like it would be a good partnership and a good place to start.

What does Publix Serves mean to you?
It means giving back to the community and helping those who can’t help themselves. There are so many opportunities to give back — as a company, as a store, and as individuals.

Why is it important to volunteer?
Publix associates have the servant’s mentality. Serving is part of our lives; volunteering is a natural fit.

What advice do you have for associates who are interested in volunteering?
Talk with your store manager, or reach out to United Way — they know what agencies need.

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Lakeland Division

Store Manager Don Lucas, #15, Clermont, Florida

Tune into Don Lucas’ acceptance speech from the stockholders’ meeting.

When and why did you start volunteering?
I first got involved in United Way Days of Caring as a store manager. It kind of took off from there.

What does Publix Serves mean to you?
It means giving back to the community. Publix is part of the community — I see the same faces in the community as I do in our stores — and we’re so blessed to be able to give back to them.

Why is it important to volunteer?
We talk about the importance of serving as responsible citizens, so it’s our responsibility to give financially and in-kind donations. It’s been an awesome experience to volunteer — my wife is so supportive, and I hope my kids see us as positive role models. It’s a great feeling to give back.

What advice do you have for associates who are interested in volunteering?
There’s lots of ways. Youth sports and the YMCA need coaches. Check with your church to see what opportunities they have. Lots of United Way agencies need help — reading to children, serving at schools, mentoring for the future.

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Miami Division

Store Manager James Key, #1030, Port St. Lucie, Florida

Tune into James Key’s acceptance speech from the stockholders’ meeting.

When and why did you start volunteering?
I grew up very poor, and my dad died when I was young. We wouldn’t have had Christmas without the help of others. Since I’ve been able to, I’ve always given back.

What does Publix Serves mean to you?
We serve our customers in the store and the community overall. I’m excited to have one message that supports our community service.

Why is it important to volunteer?
We have so much to be thankful for, so it’s important to give back to those who are less fortunate. It’s the right thing to do to give back to those who give to us and support us as customers.

What advice do you have for associates who are interested in volunteering?
I hire associates who promise to make Publix a better place, and I follow up at our 30-day check-ins to see where they are in finding ways to give back.

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Customer Service Retail Coordinator Danielle Fogel (announced promotion to Customer Service Technical Coordinator)

Tune into Danielle Fogel’s acceptance speech  from stockholders’ meeting.

When and why did you start volunteering?
I’ve always volunteered — I’m a third-generation Publix associate, and it’s part of who we are as a family.

What does Publix Serves mean to you?
It’s an outlet for our Publix people to give back in the community — and have fun doing it. It’s showing how proud we are to have servant’s hearts in our community.

Why is it important to volunteer?
Volunteering makes for a stronger community. I admire our leaders for knowing service is important and allowing us the opportunity to give back to our communities.

What advice do you have for associates who are interested in volunteering?
Talk to your manager. They’re phenomenal in putting people in touch with others who need our resources. Just put yourself out there, and get involved.

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