By Vivian - May 1, 2017

Giving babies a fighting chance


Each year, customers and associates are invited to donate to March of Dimes, whose mission is to give every baby a healthy start.

Last year, Publix set a new corporate charity program record by collecting more than $7.1 million for March of Dimes. This made Publix the No. 1 national March for Babies corporate partner. This is the first time the March of Dimes has named a new No. 1 partner in more than 30 years.

“We have the best customers and associates in the industry, and together — over our 20-year relationship with March of Dimes — we’ve raised more than $64 million, one dollar at a time,” said Director of Media and Community Relations Maria Brous. “When we can team up our outstanding associates with the generosity of our customers, we’re able to make a real difference in the lives of others.”

This year, our March of Dimes campaign runs April 29 – May 20. Retail associates can wear a Publix Serves shirt on the following campaign dates

  • April 29 – 30
  • May 5 – 7
  • May 12 – 14 and
  • May 19 – 20.

Talk with your manager for more information on how to participate or volunteer at any of the March for Babies walks happening in your area.