By - October 1, 2023

Meet Assistant Pharmacy Manager Natai Thomas

Natai Thomas, #525, Augusta, Georgia, is inspired by her mom. She has been working for Publix for 4 years.

Why did you want to become a pharmacist?
I chose to become a pharmacist because I, unfortunately, lost my mom unexpectedly. As a result, I experienced depression and anxiety, leading me to take medications. Before taking them, I wanted to know everything about the medications because I was scared and unsure. I realized helping educate people about their medications would be a rewarding experience. Pharmacist training prepares you to answer customers’ questions or concerns.

What are the biggest challenges of being a pharmacist?
A challenge for pharmacists is explaining pharmacy regulations that may affect a patient’s ability to obtain their medications. Another challenge is working with insurance rejections. Often, patients aren’t adequately informed about how they work, and we are the ones to explain why the medicine is not covered.

What keeps you going every day?
Along with the pleasure of helping others, my path to this position keeps me going every day. Losing my mother at 15 was the hardest thing, and it’s still hard. However, I was blessed with unwavering support from family and friends.

If you were not a pharmacist, what would you be?
An algebra professor. I love algebra and always enjoyed solving equations.

Who do you admire or who inspires you?
Two people inspire me: my parents.

  • My mom inspires me daily. I only had her for 15 years, but she meant a lot to people in her life and had a huge impact on their lives. I strive to leave the same mark she did.
  • My dad also inspires me because he had a tough job raising me independently after my mom passed. I would not be where I am today without his love and support.

What are your hobbies?
Dancing; playing with my dog, King; and binge-watching TV shows (detective and crime-solving, to be specific)

What is your motto?
Don’t focus on what you’ve been through. But instead, focus on how you persevered.

Learn more about 4 of our amazing pharmacists!