By - October 1, 2023

Meet Pharmacy Manager Oliver Ruiz

Oliver Ruiz, #1393, Pompano Beach, Florida, finds his job rewarding. He has been working for Publix for 8 years.

Why did you want to become a pharmacist?
Growing up, my family owned a small independent pharmacy, so I became familiar with its tremendous impact on people’s lives. Even years after my family sold the pharmacy, many patients were so grateful for everything my family did for them. That appreciation has always stuck with me.

What are the biggest challenges of being a pharmacist?
Pharmacists in different settings face their own set of challenges. One of the most rewarding things is finding a way to make a necessary therapy accessible to a patient, by finding an alternative that is covered and available to make their medication more affordable. By trade, we not only are the most available health care providers, but we also pride ourselves on being problem solvers.

What keeps you going every day?
I am motivated by my family, my team and the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. I give 110% every day. My family sacrificed so much so I could get a great education. I never take my position for granted. I treat every day as if someone is ready to take my spot.

If you were not a pharmacist, what would you be?
If I couldn’t be a pharmacist, I would like to have my own video game streaming channel or be a veterinarian. I greatly admire vets who help our 4-legged, winged and scaly friends.

Who do you admire or who inspires you?
I like Jim Rohn’s quote, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Personally and professionally, I admire my wife (also a pharmacist), my team and Store Manager Keith Critelli. He’s an old-school, hard-working store manager who pushes you every day. My biggest inspiration is my father. He was an emergency room nurse who touched many people’s lives and molded me into the person I am today. When I look in the mirror, I see a lot of him in me and know he is proud of me.

What are your hobbies?
Working out, fishing and golfing.

What is your motto?
Always have a good attitude. I’ve repeatedly found that having a good attitude can turn seemingly impossible situations into possible ones.

Learn more about 4 of our amazing pharmacists!